Lane Enterprises is excited to host McTeacher’s Night each year, a fundraising program we offer to elementary schools!
McTeacher’s Nights are unlike any other fundraisers you’ve had before! Instead of just giving out a portion of the proceeds, these turn into fun and profitable gatherings. Teachers, students, and their families are invited to McDonald’s, where teachers will interact with their students outside of the classroom and receive a portion of the proceeds from the evening.
How is it different? The teachers work at McDonald’s! Get behind the scenes and help pass out food, work the drive thru, take selfies at the “selfie” station, sell cookies, or simply meet and greet with the students and their families. Kids LOVE seeing their teachers outside the classroom. In addition, for $5 guests can purchase 3 cookies and receive a coupon valid for a FREE baker’s dozen to be redeemed at another time. Some restaurants provide 100 percent of the cookie proceeds to the school which is amazing (One school has sold almost $1,000 in cookies alone!)
But wait – there’s more! We encourage teachers to keep track of which teacher brought in the most students, and each student in the winning classroom will receive a coupon for a free Happy Meal! The best part: It’s FREE to the school. We provide all the marketing materials (handouts to each student, posters at the school and stickers to be sent home reminding parents that “McTeacher’s Night is Tonight). Most schools raise at least $300 in one 3-hour period, but many have made much more!
We have McDonald’s based in Wichita, Arkansas City, Augusta, Derby, El Dorado, Emporia, Goddard, Great Bend, Hutchinson (and So. Hutch), Pratt and Winfield. (Wichita locations not included: 21st & Greenwich, 21st & Rock, E. Kellogg or E. Rock Rd.)
If you’re interested in booking a McTeacher’s Night for your school, or you have additional questions about how your local McDonald’s can help you, please call 316-347-9279 or email Caitlyn Fowler at caitlyn.fowler@us.stores.mcd.com.